Turkey Tenderloin Mit Bacon In Curry Sahne

Prep time: 30 min

Cook time: 60 min

Servings: 6

1 - 100 gram

Change it out for Pork Tenderloins.

NOTE FROM EXPERIENCE: Please do not use low-fat products, they have too low a fat content, therefore do not make the sauce creamy enough. Pour the cream mixture over the medallions and cook in the hot oven on the second rack from below for about 20-25 minutes.


700 grams turkey breast tenderloin

8 slices turkey bacon

1 tbsp Dijon mustard

2 1/4 tsp za'atar

120 grams plain cream cheese

1 tsp paprika

200 grams mushrooms

1 tsp sea salt

1 tbsp curry powder

35 grams parsley


First, preheat the oven to 180 degrees circulating air. Remove the tendons and fat from the fillet as far as possible with a knife (parry), cut into slices (medallions) about 2-3 cm thick, season with salt and pepper and brush each with mustard.

Now wrap each turkey tenderloin medallion with a slice of bacon and place it in a baking dish with the "seam" facing down.

In a bowl add the cream with the creme fraiche, curry, tomato paste, and parsley whisk until smooth and season with cayenne pepper, a little salt and a good pinch of sugar.